About George Kalmpourtzis, PhD…

George Kalmpourtzis

George is a digital transformation consultant, user researcher and learning expert who helps organizations improve their learning capabilities and create solutions that better address their customers’ and learners’ needs.


George is the author of Educational Game Design Fundamentals and Don’t Force it, Solve it! and has co-authored various academic and industry articles on learning, game design and user experience.


George helps organizations establish and improve learning strategies that better address their learners’ and employees’ needs. He has worked considerably aspects related to AI adoption, reskilling / upskilling, financial education as well as behavioural change.

George also helps organizations create better product and service experiences through establishing design processes, user experience research and analytics.

George is also the founder of the R&D studio Infinitivity Design Labs and co-founder of the indie design studio Playcompass Entertainment.

Training & Research

Through an experimental procedure, George has trained several multi-disciplinary teams that are currently working on learning, engagement, user experience and games. George is a highly interactive keynote speaker, whose presentations are always interactive.

He is currently adjunct lecturer on Disruptive Pedagogy, Design Thinking and Digital Cultures & Ethics at the University of the Cote d’Azur.

He is also active researcher on the fields of Human-AI Interaction, Game-Based Learning and educational technology.

George holds two BScs (one in educational sciences and one in electrical & computer engineering), a MSc in Advanced Information Systems and a PhD in Design Pedagogy and HCI.

George has received numerous honours and awards in educational gaming competitions and is an active author of academic papers.

Some notable partners include:

European commission, disneyland paris, amadeus, technicolor, orange, bnp paribas, maskott: clients

You can find information about me here:

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kalmpourtzis
ResearchID / ORCID : https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0761-6441
ResearchGate : https://www.researchgate.net/profile/George_Kalmpourtzis
Twitter: http://twitter.com/gkalmpourtzisScholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=zgk2mbEAAAAJ 
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=zgk2mbEAAAAJ

A selection of academic papers:

Kalmpourtzis, G. (2019). Developing kindergarten students’ game design skills by teaching game design through organized game design interventions. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 1-26.

Kalmpourtzis, G. (2019). Connecting game design with problem posing skills in early childhood. British journal of educational technology50(2), 846-860.

Sanchez, E., Kalmpourtzis, G., Cazes, J., Berthoix, M., & Monod-Ansaldi, R. (2015). Learning with Tactileo Map: From Gamification to Ludicization of Fieldwork. GI_Fourm Journal for Geographic Information Science.

Kalmpourtzis, G. (2014, April). Find the jackalop: a game enhancing young children’s spatial thinking. In Proceedings of the extended abstracts of the 32nd annual ACM conference on Human factors in computing systems (pp. 1165-1170). ACM.

Kalmpourtzis, G., Vrysis, L., & Veglis, A. (2016, October). Teaching game design to students of the early childhood through Forest Maths. In 2016 11th International Workshop on Semantic and Social Media Adaptation and Personalization (SMAP) (pp. 123-127). IEEE.

Kalmpourtzis, G. (2014, October). Teaching of Spatial Thinking in Early Childhood Through Game-Based Learning: The use of the Ipad. In InECGBL20 14–8th European Conference on Games Based Learning: ECGBL 2014 (p. 231).

Kalmpourtzis, G., Vrysis, L., & Ketsiakidis, G. (2017, November). The role of adults in giving and receiving feedback for game design sessions with students of the early childhood. In Interactive Mobile Communication, Technologies and Learning (pp. 266-275). Springer, Cham.

Kalmpourtzis, G., Veglis, A., Vrysis, L., & Ketsiakidis, G. (2018, October). The Role of Early Childhood Students in the Design of Digital and Physical Games. In ECGBL 2018 12th European Conference on Game-Based Learning (p. 274). Academic Conferences and publishing limited.